How to save on dental bills–three real food success stories!
Real Food not only protects our bodies, but it also protects our teeth AND our pocketbooks, too! (Note: I am not a doctor or dentist: Read my full disclaimer here.)
–> How to Save on Dental Bills: Testimony #1
Here's my reader friend Adina:
I wanted to share with you a success story about my three year old son and how to save on dental bills! In mid-November I took him to the dentist for a tooth infection. But it turns out he had more than that, he had about four cavities plus one broken tooth and it had turned brown. Also on the top teeth he had a brown line, no matter how much I was brushing his teeth, nothing helped.
So the dentist told us we'll need about $2600 to fix every tooth in his mouth.
I was very sad and didn't know what to do. So I talked to one of my neighbors (a longtime Kitchen Kop reader friend, Jill, who also used to be Kelly's assistant) and was telling her about my situation. She suggested I read this book called Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition, and she also said to give my son cod liver oil and high vitamin butter oil (scroll down at that link to find it & use the code KOP for a discount). As soon as I finished talking to her I came home and ordered them both and soon started giving it to him.
I couldn't believe it, Monday night the 10th of December I looked in his mouth and he had one more cavity left and the rest are gone. Even his broken tooth is starting to heal!
I didn't change much about his diet except every morning I give him the cod liver oil and toast with the butter oil, that's all I did.
I have three kids and before I found out about this awesome cure for tooth decay I had my oldest daughter's teeth fixed and spent $2600. So I'm very happy to share this experience with everybody so they know how to save on dental bills too.
If you notice in this picture below, my son's fifth tooth is still a little brown but it's getting better day by day, and my daughter just has some cavities left on the bottom teeth. I thought I should share my story, IT'S A TRUE MIRACLE.
Thank you for sharing your story and also for telling us how to save on dental bills, Adina!!!
–>How to Save on Dental Bills: Testimony #2
This is from a 6-hour colostrum group I'm in…
“I went to my dental hygienist for a regular appointment and she noticed what appeared to be an infection in one of my front teeth. She had the dentist take a look at it, and he took an x-ray of the tooth. After examining the tooth and the x-ray, he said that there was a 98% chance that the tooth would need to be replaced with an implant as the root had a crack in it. He referred me to an endodontist for confirmation and to schedule further appointments. However, I was unable to get in to see the endodontist for 10 days. In the meantime, I started taking Colustrum6 orally, and I also packed a wad of it under my gum by my infected tooth at nighttime before going to bed and just let it dissolve. I did that daily for the 10 days in between my dentist appointment and my visit to the endodontist. When I went to the endodontist, and after he examined my tooth and ran tests on it, in amazement he said it appeared to be healthy and that I did not need any further work on it. He prescribed an antibiotic to clear up the infection. On my next visit to my dentist they took another x-ray of my tooth and he said that it looked like there was not only what looked like new gum growth but that it appeared that the crack on my root was now very faint which meant that the tooth had new growth on it.”
Crazy, right?!!!
–>How to Save on Dental Bills: Testimony #3
To top all of this off, here's a personal story. Two of our kids had small cavities a few years ago and since our dentist is cool, he was okay with us waiting to fill them and trying to heal it ourselves. I got them started on the below protocol and a year later when we had them checked again, the cavities were totally gone! (It may have been much sooner, but we only go in yearly for cleanings.)
Best suggestions for how to save on dental bills, remineralizing teeth and dealing with cavities–real food based supplements and more:
Reminder: none of this is medical or dental advice, I'm just sharing what worked for us and for others, be sure to consult a professional, *especially* if you might be on medications that could possibly conflict with some of these natural options.
***IMPORTANT: I know that some of the below can be expensive, but keep in mind that it's much cheaper than paying to have a bunch of cavities filled!!
- Start by grabbing a copy of my book, Real Food for Rookies. Not because I'm trying to get more sales, but because it really is a great help for those needing to get more nutrient-dense foods into your diet! Even if you're pretty sure you're eating well, avoiding soda pop, etc., this will help you be sure that you're doing all you can.
- Increase or start taking this cod liver oil and high vitamin butter oil (scroll down at that link to find it & use code KOP for a discount–the capsules or liquid are both fine). ***Although FYI, when we healed two of our kids' cavities, we gave CLO and just increased grassfed butter (from Costco) in their diet instead of taking the butter oil.
- Get this 6-hour colostrum. Here's how to slip more into your diet (these superfood smoothies are my favorite, but there are many ways), and even better is packing it into your gums at night. (More info is below on this.)
- Add in safer oral care products:
- I love the flavor and fresh taste of these HealThy Mouth drops instead of toothpaste or for breath freshening. 100% certified organic, it targets gum disease and balances your oral flora.
- For remineralization AND whitening, I like SHINE powder. This provides “tiny particles of the exact mineral structure our teeth are made of, which allows our teeth to rebuild and restore the minerals that they have lost.” (They have mint or cinnamon flavor if you're also using the below homeopathics–read here about why it's best to avoid mint if using homeopathic remedies.)
- Just want a safe toothpaste, we love these. (Find many more natural and SAFE home and personal care products there too.)
- We like to hit it from all sides, so we also gave this and this homeopathic remedy together, twice/day, both in 12x potency. (Read here about starting homeopathy.)
- Keep in mind, for our kids anyway, they were not as consistent as they should've been with the above, and it still worked!
Extra tips on how to save on dental bills–want to do even more to be sure? (This stuff is important anyway…)
Cut out junk food (fast food or food that comes in boxes or bags), soda, excessive sweets, and vegetable oils like soybean or canola–those oils are two of the worst “foods” in the world. Read labels so you know what's in your food. Get my free grocery store cheat sheet for help with that here! It’s the whole first chapter of my book, which I wrote to help those who are feeling overwhelmed or who just need a little help when trying to find healthier alternatives to the foods and drinks you love. 🙂
- What is colostrum and what are the benefits for dental health, gut health/immunity building, & more–my friend Paola explains how she packs the powder by the affected tooth at night for increased absorption, just put some in there and let it dissolve. (It has a very mild, pleasant taste that you won't mind.) And learn more about colostrum here.
- Go here for the many ways to get more into your diet.
- Get Rami Nagel's book here: Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition
DISCLAIMER: Use common sense with this. You may want to consult a holistic dentist or other professional in your area for more help. A reader in the comments kindly (?) offered the below advice, and because I DO want you to be aware of all sides of the debate, I'm sharing some of it here (even though she was snippy!):
Tooth decay can lead to abscesses which can lead to death if not treated appropriately by a dentist!!! This is a dangerous and a misleading article! Tooth decay is bacteria that has eaten through the hardest substance in your body, enamel, and has to be drilled out and filled. If left untreated it will go deeper into the second layer of the tooth, dentin, then into the middle of the tooth, the pulp and infect the nerve, thus resulting in a root canal. IF left untreated, this trapped bacteria can cause swelling of the facial tissue and neck, which is called Ludwig’s angina, and block the airway and could result in death. This article is beyond absurd.”
My reply:
“That’s why I encourage people to use common sense. I shared here how to save on dental bills and what has worked for these people (and others), but also tell readers to be smart and consult a professional when needed. I’ll add a note on the disclaimer and make sure readers know about your warnings because I DO like people to know all sides of every story. I just do not want them to blindly follow anyone's advice, not a dentist’s, not yours, not a friend’s, not a doctor’s, and especially not mine. The conventional way is not the only way, and often it’s not the best way, either. Sometimes it might be, but we don’t know what’s right for us until doing our own research. And by the way, of course there are no scientific studies to prove what's in this article–who would pay for that when there's no way they could financially benefit?!!!!”
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Annmarie says
I can’t take FCLO . I get fish burps all day and night, even when I take it with food! Any other suggestions? Thanks!
KitchenKop says
I’ve heard sometimes this does pass after a time! Have you tried the kind I recommend nowadays?
Billie Yates says
Does the FCLO work well on it’s own? My little one is allergic to cow’s milk. Is there something else I can add that would replace the butter oil and work as well?
KitchenKop says
Billie, I’ll bet you could use pastured ghee, like this. (Butter w/out the dairy.)
Wendy Jenson says
I’m a retired dental assistant and dentists do (at least the ones I worked with) pulpotomies on baby teeth instead of root canals because there is not much root. If the tooth is really bad, it can be extracted and a spacer can be made to hold the space for the permanent tooth. It’s easy to do. If your baby is hurting, please get her treated.
Tawnya Howell says
Remedies don’t work unless you use proper nutrition along with them.
Sheryl Senkiw says
Following the dietary recommendations and doing oil pulling should help. If i doesn’t I would say just have the tooth pulled.
Emily Streich says
The cure tooth decay book is great for preventing cavities or healing small ones, but once the decay gets to the pulp, it’s very hard to heal it. Dental pain can be awful, and in my opinion, kids shouldn’t have to suffer with it. In the case of the parent who wrote the letter, I would advise getting the tooth treated by a holistic dentist to stop the pain. Pulpotomy is not the only choice, they can also extract it if a filling would not stop the pain because the decay is at the pulp chamber.
Then I would use the cure tooth decay book to prevent further cavities from appearing or getting that bad.
Castillo Lorena says
Our 5 year old is cavity free so far, thank God, by using homemade toothpaste and doing oil pulling. Yes, she does oil pulling.
Alicia Latham McLaughlin says
I’ve had my kids take bee propolis to help with the infection (and reduces pain once the infection gets under control) then the tooth gets pulled.
Bonnie Montgomery Baker says
We haven’t had good luck with natural remedies. None of my kids ever had a cavity until we stopped using fluoride we ended up having so many that we brought back the fluoride toothpaste for the older kids.
Michelle Irizarry says
For me It’s been the opposite. Going fluoride free stopped the cavities from happening
Castillo Lorena says
Same here. We ditched the flouride
Kelly Hughes says
I believe a little fluoride is good, too much is bad. Problem is we now get exposed to too much in varying ways.
Lauren Ward says
I am interested too as I have been told my 5 year old son needs a pulpotomy. I believe that is a “baby root canal.” Are their other options? We are trying hard to heal it right now but eventually I may have to do something. Dental issues scare me.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
This book is really the “heal tooth decay” bible: I would also recommend finding a biological (holistic) dentist, which you can find on this site:

Amen Keights says
Why in God’s name would ANYONE, let along a dentist do a root canal on a BABY tooth??????????????? WTF
Lizabeth Joi Nash Matthews says
My friend halted her daughter’s decay by removing grains and using fclo and butter oil. Oil pulling and the cell salts have helped alleviate pain in one of my back teeth. I will be going to the dentist to see if it’s actually halted any decay soon. It was a suspicious area the last time I was there. I also maintain a diet with low refined grains and refined sugar.
Innerhealth says
Such an absurd article huh? So absurd in fact that after I took the same supplement, one of my cavities has now gone and the other areas are improving. I noticed this after I compared my teeth to the impression my Dentist made for me. I only took a look because my gum inflammation and sensitivity ceased to exist after supplementation.
The fact is, no Dentist or Dental group will invest in trials or investigate this further because there is no money to be made. I know some who even refuse to read the book, hows that for open mindedness?
My cavities where not deep enough to require fillings and my Dentist would use visual, xray and comparisom of the model to monitor that and wear and tear levels. He used a sealant on one but after a few months that began to be a little sensitive, that has stopped as well.
On one of the teeth in the model, there is a cavity but that cavity is no longer visible after I supplemented with Blue Ice Royal and High Vitamin Butter Oil blend.
You can deny it all you want but anyone who takes the time to try it will at the very least, experience some improvement.
abby beale says
I have been going to the same dentist for years. I’ve had many crowns, no root canals (although 15 years ago a dentist told me I needed one) and have been denying x-rays for about 2.5 years. They gave me the boot this last time and I looked up a biological dentist near me.
I became a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner last last year at this time. I have been “practicing” on myself since February of 2013 and have seen my teeth get better and better. I take both fermented cod liver oil and drink whole raw dairy, just like our great great grandparents did. I have seen lots of ailments that I was tolerating, go away. Give whole foods, movement and sleep a chance-you might just be suprised!
Shellie says
So far, so good. When I ordered, I had a toothache. Now, this is not scientific in any way. But the pain was getting worse. It came in and I started taking it. I didn’t even realize until a comment popped up on this post again that the pain had diminished considerably. Yeay!
Shellie says
Once a day, about half a teaspoon. I’m starting up again after a long hiatus and didn’t want to overdo it.
Sanja says
It IS possible to heal teeth with nutrition. I’m familiar with the advice given in this book, but I resorted to a bit of a different route. I helped my 3 y/o son heal in an incredible way when THREE dentists said there was nothing I could do to help him avoid a MAJOR dental surgery! They wanted to put him under general anesthesia and give him FIVE stainless steel crowns on his baby teeth!
With my nutritional rebalancing program, his teeth remineralized from the inside out in just 3-4 months!!! And yes, that was clearly visible on his new X-rays as secondary dentin.
Now, 3 yrs. later, his gums are still perfectly healthy and he never got a new cavity.
Em says
What did you do/which program?
Rochelle says
This is not the first time I have heard about butter (or butter oil) healing tooth decay. Very interesting indeed!
Katy says
This is encouraging! I’ve got to find a way to afford this stuff!!! Also, when I first saw the picture, I was amazed at that childs eyelashes! 😉
Jo says
I do have to say that it would be nice yo hear an update from Adina in what has happened since this was published almost a year ago. Did she return to the dentist? What was said? As a mother who is on the verge of crowns and fillings for her 5 year old I would love some follow up info 🙂
KitchenKop says
Jo, I’ll see what I can find out.
Rhonda says
Have you had an update yet?
Pilan says
Robyn, If it were not for old remedies you probably would not be here. Get a life and read the article. Kelly never says her posts or the answer is the end all to your problems. Having an abscess does not always lead to death. The nerve dies in most cases and eventually you get relief. In most cases yes a person should see a dentist but its not a sure death sentence. And, oh stop it with the Ludwig angina statement. I know all too well about it and most of the time affects older people.
Robyn says
Don’t tell me to “get a life” or “stop it with the Ludwig angina” Who the hell are you? Are you even educated in the dental field, well I am!! So I have every right to state my opinion and facts about dentistry. Did I say all abscesses lead to death? No! And you are an idiot because after the nerve dies it still needs to be treated, you will get relief if there is a fistula, a draining pus tract. It doesn’t mean your body healed it, its a chronic infection until treated. Get more educated before you come at me or post anything regarding dental.
Tina says
We all know that things read on the internet need to be taken with a grain of salt and a lot of research. However, just because you are educated in the dental field does NOT mean you know everything either. You are educated with what the college and ADA decide you need to know, often what the pharmaceutical industry decides they want you to preach. Western Medicine has a bit of a reputation as being corrupt and out for the highest bidding drug company. The dental portion of that is in the same boat. Just look at the Fluoride issue…. There is no need to swear at people on a blog. If you don’t care for what you read, you can leave a kind message expressing your concern without getting so upset, and you certainly don’t need to swear at Pilan.
Renee says
I think I missed it, or maybe it wasn’t mentioned, but are there some guidelines about how much to give of the FCLO & Butter Oil? What I need specifically is a chart for the oils, not the capsules-for kids ages 0-18 & adults. Thanks for sharing this success story! If anyone had any comments on advanced dental decay in adults, I would also be so appreciative!
Robyn says
Never believe articles from uneducated writers that have no dental background!!!!!!! First of all where are any scientific facts?? DO you know what type of lawsuit you are setting yourself up for? Tooth decay can lead to abscesses which can lead to death if not treated appropriately by a dentist!!!
This is a dangerous and a misleading article! Tooth decay is bacteria that has eaten through the hardest substance in your body, enamel, and has to be drilled out and filled. If left untreated it will go deeper into the second layer of the tooth, dentin, then into the middle of the tooth, the pulp and infect the nerve, thus resulting in a root canal. IF left untreated, this trapped bacteria can cause swelling of the facial tissue and neck, which is called Ludwig’s angina, and block the airway and could result in death. This article is beyond absurd
KitchenKop says
Thank you Robyn for your kind reminder.
That’s why I encourage people to use common sense. I shared what has worked for this person (and others), but also tell readers to be smart and consult a professional when needed.
I’ll add a note on the disclaimer and make sure readers know to see your warnings in the comments because I DO like people to know all sides of every story. I just do not want them to blindly follow *anyones* advice, not a dentist’s, not yours, not a friend’s, not a doctor’s, and especially not mine. The conventional way is not the only way, and often it’s not the best way, either. *Sometimes* it may be, but they won’t know what’s right for them until they research it.
KitchenKop says
And by the way, of course there are no scientific studies to prove what is in this article – who would pay for THAT when there’s no way they could financially benefit from it?!
Mary says
I don’t think this article is absurd in the least. It fits with my family’s experience. My dentist has been impressed that I healed my cavities using unrefined coconut oil and essential oils instead of commercial toothpastes which contain glycerin. Because our whole bodies, teeth included, are nourished with healthy food and because we use non-glycerin-containing tooth “paste” which allows our saliva to heal our teeth, my children and I have healthy mouths. I learned from friends who have done the same, from Dr. Weston A. Price’s research and information, and from the book Cure Tooth Decay. As always, Kelly, thank you for all of the information you present to us, which allows us to learn more.
Beth says
Would you please share more specifically about your toothpaste of coconut oil and essential oils?
Thank you!
Heather says
My last dentist (we’ve moved 1000 miles away, or she would still be my dentist) recommended FCLO, oil pulling, low sugar, WAPF-style diet, and 10% peroxide once or twice a day (for my gums). She does not use fluoride in her practice. So, yes, there are real, licensed, practicing, dentists using this protocol. Because it works. By the way, she made the same recommendations, minus the peroxide (no need) and oil pulling (kids too little to do so) for my kids.
Joanna says
Hi, how much fclo/bo did you give to your child daily? Did you follow any other protocol in addition to fclo and raw butter? I love healing teeth the natural way, without any toxic dentists. Thank you.
Nicole says
At the moment we are using just ordinary clo because the fclo is so expensive here. Do you think that will work??? Might still try to buy some fclo. Just wondering if the benefits are worth the extra money. Is there much value in ordinary clo???
KitchenKop says
I’d get the FCLO if at all possible (try a local buying club or your WAPF chapter for group buy discounts), and if not then just get what you can.
Shellie says
i can tell you from experience regular clo doesn’t work. I have been taking it myself, and i have recently developed a cavity. i was trying to save money. i’m going to be buying the fclo again for sure!
KitchenKop says
Don’t forget the butter oil with it. If you’re trying to heal cavities I think that both together are important.
Shellie says
I just ordered the combined one. So much easier! Thanks 🙂
Nicole says
OK thanks Kelly!!
I took my daughter back to the dentist today for her fourth (!) filling. It was a bad one and she removed as much decay as possible but couldn’t clean it out completely because that would have exposed the nerve. She told me she wanted to put a filling over the top of it that contained slow-release fluoride to promote healing in the tooth. I said no and asked for just a plain filling. I got the courage to do this from having read this article yesterday!!! She wants us to come back in six months because she is sure this tooth will have to eventually be extracted or have root canal work done. I want to prove her wrong!! I want to give my daughter the fclo and butter oil and heal the tooth. Do you think this is possible even though there is some decay still in the tooth under the filling??
Also, what dose of fclo and butter oil would you give? She is eleven and is not petite.
Adina, what dose were you giving your little boy??
Thankyou all so much for your help, it was such a blessing that I read this story yesterday before going to the dentist today. She really looked down on us for using herbal toothpaste and that is what she blames all this on.
Kelly the Kitchen Kop says
Wow, won’t that be fun to go back and prove her wrong!!!!!!!!!
I can’t say for sure what Adina did, but if it were me, I’d give her a teaspoon a day of each. (Or maybe contact Green Pasture to see what they recommend.) Plus very little sugar, plenty of bone broth, only soaked grains, and probiotics or probiotic rich foods would be good, too!
Please be sure to let us know how it goes. 🙂
Adina says
Hi Nicole ,
I give my son 1 teaspoon of FCLO each day and toast with butter from grass fed cows like Kelly said(kerrygold). And some days I give 1 teaspoon of FCLO twice a day.
Nicole says
Thanks Kelly. I am wondering how do you know if butter is pastured? I suppose I could buy a product and then contact the company?? Is that what you would suggest?
Also, if the butter is pasteurised (as all butter is in this country), does that negate it’s benefit? I would imagine such high heat could damage/kill the x factor? I cannot get raw butter around here anywhere, not even from the lady I buy raw milk from on a farm (she only milks one cow and there is not enough left over cream to make butter). Actually that leads me to this question, is cream just as beneficial as butter as it has the same ingrediants?? So we would be getting the x factor in our fresh cow’s milk?? Possibly???
thanks and may God continue to bless all your helpful work!
KitchenKop says
Yes, for sure on the raw milk question. 🙂 As far as pasteurized milk and the x factor, I’m pretty sure it’s still there as long as it’s from pastured cows! How to know if it’s pastured? Unless it says so on the package (like Kerrygold), it’s most likely not. Or not 100% anyway. When we’re not using Kerrygold, we buy butter that I know the cows are at least pastured part of the time, and I called the company to feel them out.
Thank you for your blessings, and same to you!
Nicole says
Hi Adina, thankyou for sharing! I was just wondering what your diet kind of looks like?? We’ve had to cut back on our really healthy diet as it was sending us broke. So now we do eat more processed foods than we used to and I’m just wondering whether the cod liver oil and butter oil would work for my kids seeing as our diet isn’t optimal? What do you think?? I worry that if I spend the money on the oils the processed food might negate the benefits. May I ask what sought of bread you were spreading the butter on???
Also, where does anyone buy skate liver oil??? Does it really replace CLO and butter oil?? Bonus to me as we simply can’t afford these oils in Australia (a bottle of FCLO here is $67 and butter oil is over $80). When you have a number of kids these supplements are simply unaffordable in this country. I would love to do what I can though.
Thanks again!
KitchenKop says
Nicole, one thing you could do is just get the CLO and then eat plenty of pastured butter with it (not necessarily the butter oil). And if that’s all you could do, I still think that’s way better than NOT doing it, no matter what you’re eating. Yes, a more healthful diet would be better, but at least taking that would help.
Amanda says
Did you take your child back to the dentist to see if the enamel had indeed restored itself? I am curious about how you are coming to the conclusion that, ” he had one more cavity left and the rest are gone”?
Adina says
Hi Amanda ,
I haven’t toke my son back to the dentist yet . I will keep y’all updated .
Heidi says
Adina, did the black lines by the gumline disappear? We are fighting that with 2 of our kids, and I just can’t get rid of it. I know it is caused by chromogenic bacteria, but no one seems to know how to fix it.
Adina says
Hi Heidi,
Yes , my son had a brown line on the top teeth and now it’s gone . The dentist said that the enamel didn’t form on the top teeth . Since I started this diet with cod liver oil and natural butter from grass fed cows it disappeared .
Commenter via Facebook says
I love this! I healed cavities in my own mouth with diet, oil pulling, and homemade toothpaste – it’s amazing how our bodies are able to heal themselves when given the proper nutrition!
Commenter via Facebook says
Melissa McCabe
Flo says
Off topic, but I LOVE Adina’s name! We never hear it but it’s my little sister’s name and it’s 4th generation in our family!! Sometimes it’s the first name and sometimes the middle. I wanted to use it but had a boy. 🙂
Adina says
Thank you Flo!!!
Flo says
You’re welcome!! It was just so much fun to see!
Flo says
Thanks for your story, too! Very inspirational!
Adina says
Your welcome Flo , I’m glad I could share my story with everyone.
Lisa says
hello, i have purchased the Blue Ice Butter/CLO (chocolate flavor) before and I cannot get my kids to eat it.. tastes pretty bad. what flavor did you buy and did you just put it on toast and they ate it? thanks for letting me know.
PJ says
Oslo Orange is the best fclo flavor for us. We still put it in capsules for those that can swallow it. The butter oil flavor that is so good, is the butter pecan! Mix it with plain butter if you want to have it on bread.
Elle says
I’ve also heard of putting it in smoothies for kids. Seems like chocolate or orange could work well for that. Haven’t tried it personally, though. I can say that I wasn’t happy with the emulsified ginger flavor. It required soooo much stirring every time that we just never took it. Could just be us, or perhaps we weren’t doing something correctly.
StacyR says
My kids and I hated the chocolate flavor! In fact my older son will take the regular No flavor cod liver oil but won’t touch the chocolate. We tried the cinnamon tingle and we are ALL in love! My younger son wouldn’t ever take CLO no matter what I did and now he will ask for seconds of the cinnamon!!
Paula says
We just started on the CLO with Butter oil (chocolate flavor) and I put it in a smoothie for my daughter. I blend 1/2 banana with about 3 or 4 oz of homemade kefir and a little orange juice and 1/2 tsp of the oil. She drinks that 3 times a day. So far so good. Really hoping her cavity heals, it’s near the nerve and they want to do a baby root canal on it.
KitchenKop says
Keep us posted!
Amy says
We have dairy and cod allergies in our family. Do you have any recommendations of what to use instead of CLO and butter oil?
Jill says
Have you tried making ghee to see how you do with that instead of regular butter? When you heat butter to almost a simmer stage in a pot, the milk solids separate from the butter oil, so that you can pour the oil off/strain it into a jar. It lasts forever without the milk solids and the milk protein is no longer present. Also, my understanding is that skate liver oil is fairly comparable to cod liver oil, nutritionally. Might be interesting to look into.
Sarah says
Skate liver oil also has the x-factor that is in the high vitamin butter oil.
Jill says
Very cool! That would be perfect then!
Monika says
So would you use skate liver oil in addition to FCLO, or instead?
Elle says
I personally just take the skate liver oil, as I understand it is a replacement for CLO + high vitamin butter oil. The only downside is that it has a stronger taste than the CLO. Here’s how I take it: hold my breath, put the skate liver oil in my mouth, chug some milk (raw of course), then put a drop of another essential oil in my mouth like wild orange … then finally breath again. No fishy taste whatsoever!! Need to be careful with the essential oil as they are strong, and be sure to only use therapeutic grade (doTerra, Young Living, etc). If using something like peppermint or cinnamon, most certainly would need to dilute those in oil, preferably coconut.
Scarlett says
My daughter and I are allergic to dairy and she’s also allergic to cod. I’ll try the skate liver oil. We don’t tolerate ghee at all. That’s still dairy, FYI. If you’re intolerant that might be fine but true dairy allergies, not really.
MaryAnn says
This is truly amazing!!! You said his broken tooth is starting to heal. What do you mean? Is the enamel repairing itself? Is the tooth regenerating new enamel? I have a broken tooth on the top and the dentist wants to crown it ($$$$). If I follow this diet, will the original shape of the tooth return? I need to do something soon cuz it affects my smile!
Michele says
That’s great!! I’d love for you to post the response from the dentist, once he sees the child again!
Jill says
Woo hoo! Adina, you ROCK! And I might add, these are the cutest kids ever!
Adina says
thank you Jill
Jill says
lisa says
Thank you, Kelly, for your great blog and information! After reading this post, I just wondered; is butter oil something you would put on toast? I am seeing it as a capsule on the links you included.
ValerieH says
IMHO, butter oil is not tasty. Some people like the flavor. I don’t think it tastes like butter. This is a supplement and not very much is needed because it is so nutrient dense. It is cheaper to buy in a jar with no capsules.
Adina says
Sorry I meant to say natural butter from grass fed cows.